Wednesday 9 January 2013

Monthly Meeting December 2012

For our December 2012 Christmas party gathering, The Willow Glen Garden Club ventured into the dusty hills of Mayfield, where we discovered a hidden gem. “Cullgurn”, a picture perfect garden that has been intelligently designed by owners Jackie & Doug over the 8 years they have lived on the property full time.
A Garden with a veiw...
Jackie & Doug
 We begin our day by taking a walk around the garden.‘Cullgurn’ features a variety of neatly planted spaces including a beautiful rose garden, enclosed vegetable gardens, a native walk and a fairy garden playfully enjoyed by the couple’s grandchildren.

A fairy sleeps peacefully in the magical fairy garden.
A rather striking fly resting on bed of roses.
 We chat to each other (as well as the horse and rather friendly sheep) while we take in the stunning view of the mountain ranges from the main lawn area. This section is also home to a gorgeous ornamental pond encircled by a working miniature train track which we admired while sheltering beside the large Japanese Maple trees from the rather gusty wind.

Denise Getting into the Christmas spirit!
A horse (of course)

It was time to begin our meeting where we were lucky enough to be joined by some of the members from the ‘Windellama Garden Club’. Gathered amidst festive table decorations and plates of tempting foods, it seemed that the weeds (which have a tendency to grow higher than ourselves) were the most common problem being faced by members through December, some people were finding that zucchinis may need to be helped along by hand pollination if there is a lack of bees in the area. We also discussed bringing in leaves/parts of diseased plants for diagnosis in sealed plastic bags.
Enjoying our lunch
The Boys and their wicked sense of humour...

We finished up the formalities and started up the annual Christmas barbeque, a few lucky members nabbing the prize seats beneath the coolness of the wisteria draped pergola to eat their lunch.
The best seats in the house

A day of festive cheer was had by all and we left as always, feeling full of good food and good ideas to bring to our own gardens.   

Sculpture and art feature throughout the property.


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